Tspiras besucht am Dienstag Skopje Sonntag, 31. März 2019 Mazedonien, Nachrichten Der Premierminister des Parlaments in Athen Alexis Tsipras wird am Dienstag den 2. April Mazedonien... Das ist eine Vorschau Bitte besuchen Sie mazedonien-nachrichten.blogspot.com um den ganzen Beitrag zu sehen Tweet Subscribe to receive free email updates: Related Posts :RAF-Terroristin lebt in Skopje und schreibt Masterarbeit Eine ältere Dame sitzt auf dem Podium, hört sich interessiert die Fragen der 100 Besucher an. Oft blickt sie nach unten, fasst sich an den… Read More...Airlines interested in entering Macedonian market, says civil aviation chief There is general interest for entry of airlines at the Macedonian market and the Ministry of Transport and Communications is negotiating o… Read More...In Shtip SDS gives out items with DMNE mayor’s name but SDS’ voting number Shtip’s mayoral candidate Blagoj Bocvarski from the ranks of the SDS has tasked his party activists to print out the name of DPMNE’s mayor… Read More...Five decades of steel industry in Macedonia A ceremony was held late Friday in Skopje in honor of the 50th anniversary of steel production in Macedonia and the 20th anniversary of th… Read More...Russian Embassy: The Government did not give accurate information about the meeting between Zaev and Ambassador Shcherbak The Russian Embassy reacted in writing to a statement made by the Macedonian government yesterday regarding the meeting between Prime Mini… Read More...