Name of the church and of the country to remain unchanged: Macedonia's Orthodox Church

The Archbishopric Council of the Macedonian Orthodox Church - Ohrid Archbishopric (MOC-OA) reaffirmed its position that the name of the MOC should not be changed and that the name of the country should not be changed as well.

This decision was reached after the MOC Council held its annual session on Friday and Saturday in a monastery in the village of Kalista in Struga.

The bishops adopted a resolution in which the MOC position of 26 December 2017 is upheld, namely 'not changing the constitutional position of Macedonian language, preserving the unitary character of Macedonia and protecting the Macedonian national identity," said MOC spokesman, Bishop Timotej.

"At the same time, the Council's members convey an appeal for national unity and a sincere call to all political factors in the country to take a responsible approach in these trying times for our homeland, filled with challenges, recommending them to use all means possible to preserve the national and spiritual identity of the Macedonian people and everything that is Macedonian," Bishop Timotej told a news conference.


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