Xhaferi: It would be frivolous to think about early parliamentary elections

It would be frivolous for anyone to think about early parliamentary elections this year, said Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi during a regular press briefing.

“There can be elections when MPs disband. However, in a serious country with serious issues, it would be frivolous for anyone to even consider early parliamentary elections. If someone is thinking about it, he would want to profit politically, rather than considering state interests”, said Xhaferi.

As for when the Law on the Use of Languages comes into force, Xhaferi says that it is not his personal responsibility and is the task of the ruling coalition.

“I signed off on the Law at the time it was passed. I did my part. I will send it to the Official Gazette when the time is right, so one problem does not become multiple problems. The ruling coalition needs to find a formal way for the Law to take effect”, believes Xhaferi.

According to him, the actual situation is that the president is violating the Constitution. However, if it is sent to the “Official Gazette” without his signature, it will not be in violation of the Constitution.

“There will be no violation of the Constitution if it is brought to the “Official Gazette” with only my signature. My constitutional duty is to implement the laws, and the president, by not signing off on the law, is taking over a legislative function illegally. He is now calling on his immunity, but one day, the immunity will come to an end, and the criminal act of abuse of office has no limitation”, emphasized Xhaferi.

As for future activities of Parliament, Xhaferi announced that the next session on parliamentary issues is a vote on the government’s reshuffle on Friday, as well as a plenary session on 11 June, at which the ethical code agreed during the “Jean Monnet Process” in Ohrid should be voted, and the selection of SEC members that will last for eight days.

The voting session for new ministers may last until midnight on Friday and the vote for deputy ministers will be voted on Saturday.

“It depends on the MPs themselves. We agreed on Friday, due to Ramadan, we will have a break from 19 to 21 o’clock for those fasting, to go for iftar. If we do not finish the vote, then we will work on the deputy minister vote on Saturday”, said Xhaferi.

After the government reshuffle, Xhaferi says that MPs from the Besa Movement will have to find a solution, as part of the MPs from the same parliamentary group can not be part of the ruling majority, but part of the opposition.

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