Nimetz: No final solution yet, both parties determined to work until reaching an agreement

There is no a final solution yet to Macedonia-Greece name dispute, but both parties are committed to continue the negotiations until they come to an agreement, UN mediator Matthew Nimetz  said Friday in New York after two-day talks with the Foreign Ministers, Nikola Dimitrov and Nikos Kotzias.

We had meetings yesterday and today, one and a half days of talks. What I can say is that the issues are well defined. We do not have a final solution to the issues, but both sides are determined to do enough to reach an agreement and work hard to achieve it,’ Nimetz told reporters.

The talks between the two ministers will continue in Brussels, the UN mediator said.

The talks have intensified considerably and both sides have important positions as national interests are at stake. However both sides recognize the importance of reaching an agreement and are determined to get there,’ Nimetz said.

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