Year of the Monkey, directed and written by Vladimir Blaževski, will make its world premiere at the Moscow International Film Festival on Monday.
The Moscow International Film Festival is the second oldest film festival in the world. It was founded in 1935 and is ranked on the 'A' list of film festivals.
Year of the Monkey will be shown as part of the festival's official Special Screenings selection today at 6 pm and tomorrow at 4 pm.
The movie had its Macedonian premiere last Thursday at the 21st Skopje Film Festival. It was financed by Euroimages and shot at 80 locations throughout Macedonia in 2016 as a co-production between Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Kosovo.
Igor Angelov plays the lead role, and the cast includes actors from Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Croatia.
Year of the Monkey is currently showing in Cineplexx theaters.
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