Nightmare in Skopje Gynecology: 35 babies dead in the past 3 months

More than 35 newborns died in just three months at the Skopje Clinic for Gynecology, an alarming figure that scared the parents and employees of the clinic, reports Focus.

According to the documents available, only in the first quarter of this year, that is, in January, February and March, the number of deceased babies who had previously completed intensive care was more than 35, which means that the Gynecology now there is 50-50 chance for a baby to come out alive.

10 newborns died from 22 to 25 weeks of gestation, which are reported to be extremely young, then 11 babies died due to very low birth weight, and some died due to immature lungs and sepsis.

The Gynecology Clinic confirmed the report to “Fokus”.

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