On October 15th - Macedonia the biggest loser

What happened on October 15 is a question with one answer – VMRO-DPMNE lost, but Macedonia is the biggest loser.

Anyone who, for whatever reason, feels good about the defeat of VMRO-DPMNE, should keep this in mind in the forthcoming period. Anyone who has voted for the Social Democratic Union should also bear in mind that he has contributed to the course of the events that will follow. They think they voted for the better. I claim that they have voted for the worse! Much worse, and very soon they will realize it.

Again the question, “why VMRO-DPMNE lost?” will be analyzed and debated for a long time.

And I, like many, wonder why a great part of the Macedonian people made this decision? Are the results a reflection of electoral engineering and the stolen will of the voters? Is it a punishment for the bad policies of the previous ruling of VMRO-DPMNE? Is it disappointment from April 27 events? Or is it perhaps support for Zaev’s policy on the Tirana platform, the agreement with Bulgaria, and finally the change of the name?

Fact is that these elections were one of the worst organized, and a candidate was killed for the first time! Fact is that a large number of cases of physical attacks, threats, blackmail, pressures and bribery was registered … We can only imagine how much money has been thrown on bribing voters and how many such cases have not been registered. But all this without documentation will remain in the sphere of speculation. Fact that foreigners supported electoral violence by silencing all that was happening and this attitude is not unexpected, knowing how much of this election depends on the prime minister’s career, pardon, Ambassador Baily. Should VMRO-DPMNE file complaints to all irregularities and seek sanctions? Absolutely yes! Will this change the actual situation? Certainly not, but all the events and violations of the electoral process must remain registered, for the next elections to have a new benchmark for “fair and democratic elections”, as assessed by the OSCE / ODIHR and the US Embassy. It is good to know what fair and democratic mean, and it is good to hear that “there were no ideal choices, because they involved living people.” Thank you for the enlightening.

Analysts of the current government claim that the results reflect the dissatisfaction of the people from the practice of VMRO-DPMNE’s government. I will partially agree with this thesis, because it would be much more logical on December 11, than now. Why? After three years of fierce propaganda and strong international pressure, last December, VMRO-DPMNE won only 30,000 fewer votes than in 2014. So, not only it retained the electorate, but also broke all scenarios and false accusations of phantoms and 200,000 stolen votes.

A few months later, VMRO-DPMNE, who was already in opposition, lost an additional 120,000 votes. If the people were not satisfied with the VMRO-DPMNE, was not more logical to punish it when it was in power? Someone will answer this – VMRO-DPMNE until now was in power at the local level, and the punishment applies to its mayors too. I would accept this thesis if the results gave room to believe that the people really punished the bad mayors, but at the same time awarded those whom they were satisfied with with a new mandate. My impression is that the people did not vote for candidates at all, but went to the polls with another reason. At the end of the day, the list of SDS candidates was so desperate that this thesis would never have passed by a reasonable man. This does not mean that there should be no analysis of the decisions within the VMRO-DPMNE.

But the most logical thesis is that the main reason for the fall of VMRO-DPMNE is the frustration of the citizens, their attitude after April 27 and the easy handover of the power to quislings and leaving the people on the street alone. After April 27, the public is still waiting for a logical explanation as to why the people who defended the state are being tried in courts, and the traitors did not end up behind bars?

If truth be told, among this group of disappointed and among those punishers of the Gruevism, there is another category of citizens, perhaps the most numerous, popularly called “power lovers”. That is the mass of voters who expected in December that the VMRO-DPMNE will remain in power and that they will retain the benefits of that, and now they are leaning on the new government only expecting to retain the privileges of the previous government, without interest in the consequences that will follow SDS practice of absolute power.

The most logical conclusion is that all these reasons, more or less, have influenced the outcome of the vote, and this outcome will dramatically affect the subsequent flow of events that will follow. Unfortunately, for the worse.

The situation was used very wisely by the screenwriters, and the result was attributed to the merit of Zaev’s quest to give him additional support in continuing his destructive policy. The final figure now gives the green light for Zaev to continue implementing the Tirana platform, erasing history in the interest of Bulgaria and eventually changing the name to Greece’s desire as a condition for joining NATO. In such a situation, Zaev would not be comfortable at all. On the contrary, he is pressed to the wall, there is no longer room to “cheat” everyone around him, and he will have to realize what he has been installed in power for. Under such circumstances, he cannot please anyone who has helped him take power. Therefore, someone in the near future will be very surprised and disappointed with his decisions.

Until the awakening of the majority, unfortunately, the state will suffer such damages, and it will not be recognizable. Then, searching for the culprits, except that the punishment for the traitors will be imminent, we will have to look at ourselves in the mirror and recognize that we have a part of the responsibility for all of this.

Long live Macedonia!

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