Macedonia: Fierce Debate on the Law on Languages

At the beginning of the debate at the plenary session in the Assembly on the draft law on the use of languages, the MP of VMRO-DPMNE, Ilija Dimovski, accused that with this law DUI blackmailed SDSM before the local elections scheduled for October 15.

The Law on Languages ​​is being held in the wake of the local elections and represents a political blackmail by DUI to SDSM, which should cover all scandals, blackmail and unfulfilled promises towards the Albanian population. The members of this law are unconstitutional and come out of the Framework Agreement - said Dimovski at the very beginning of the debate on the law on languages.

The law is being brought against the local elections as a request from DUI and blackmail by SDSM DUI in order to cover all corrupt affairs, scandals and poor conditions in which the Albanians live. SDSM, unfortunately, must accept any blackmail contrary to the Constitution and the interests of smaller communities to keep the figure of a narrow parliamentary majority to cover the illegitimacy of the way SDSM has established its rule - Ilija Dimovski, coordinator of the first parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE.

This was replicated by Branko Manojlovski from DUI, who said that the problem is not language, but national hatred is a problem.

- You are fighting a lot with the law, and there is no problem with that. The language must be solved, whether you like it or not. Dispose of national hatred and be people for a moment. There is no instability in Macedonia if the language is a problem. The state is weak if the language is a problem. Have a look and think a bit with your head and people, and not as a Macedonian or an Albanian - says Manojlovski.

SDSM Petre Shilegov accused the opposition of trying to get political points with sensitive topics and that the draft law made "grandma horn".

- Make "grandma horn" of something that nobody mentions. It was the tyrannical plateau, now the law of languages, and tomorrow will find a new topic that will scare citizens to destroy our country in order to have a daily political point. Anyone who believes that certain legal decisions are contrary to the Constitution can initiate a procedure before a Constitutional Court and everyone will have to submit to it. No one has to learn a language that he does not want. No one will be punished if he does not speak Albanian - emphasized Shilegov.

Dimovski accused that the parliamentary majority does not want to have a debate on this law and that this is the reason that the law has a European flag, to which the coordinator of the SDSM parliamentary group, Tomislav Tuntev, replied that everything is subject to public debate because it is one of the essential human rights.

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