Macedonia: After years of increase GDP dropped for first time

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) dropped by 1.8 percent in the second quarter of 2017, the State Statistical Office said on Thursday. Last year in the same period Macedonia recored a increase by 2,9%.

The biggest increase was recorded in sections: A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing by 4.1%; G, H and I - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; Transportation and storage; Accommodation and food service activities by 3.9%; J - Information and communication by 1.0% and K - Financial and insurance activities by 1.0%.

Household final consumption, including Non-profit institutions serving households, increased by 6.0% in nominal terms, and its share in the GDP structure was 70.7%.

Export of goods and services increased by 16.0% in nominal terms, while Import of goods and services increased by 7.3%.

Consumer prices increased by 1,8% compared to last year. The brutto investmenst fell by nearly 20 percent, 19,9% decrease was recorded by the statistical office - dramatic changes after Macedonian is lead by a new government headed by socialdemocrats.

Analysts are shocked from the bad start of the new government in Macedonia and of the dramatic changes in the macedonian economy. The first 100 days passed since the new government took over power but forgott the macedonian economic completely.

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