Greek Government viewed Dimitrov as a “child”

SDS officials have leaked information to Macedonian media on Nikola Dimitrov’s visit to Athens.
Republika reports that the visit between Kotsias and Dimitrov was not friendly, and Dimitrov behavior and negotiating skills were so bad that Greek Government officials mused they were dealing with a ‘child’.

Perhaps, the list Greek officials gave Dimitrov sums up what they thought of his visit to Athens.
Keep in mind, both Dimitrov and Zaev publicly announced Macedonia will enter NATO and the EU very quickly under the UN reference. The source of this sort of optimism comes from the fact Zaev had met both in secret and publicly with Greek Government officials and operatives for years.

Official Athens went as far as to gift the Strumica mayor a beautiful hacienda on the shores of the Aegean sea.
However, upon the visit, Kotsias told Dimitrov there is no chance for Macedonia to enter NATO or the EU under the reference. In addition, this is the list of demands Dimitrov received from the Greek Government as a “must do” for them to remove the veto:

1. Cannot enter the EU or NATO under the reference.
2. Must change the name. Identity and language must match the new name.
3. New name must be present in personal IDs, not just passports.
4. Must change your Constitution, and the name in it.
5. No referendum is allowed on the name. Should there be one and is not successful, you cannot hold a new referendum for 20 years.
6. The opposition must agree to the new name, we cannot afford problems if a new Government comes to power.
7. You must remove all monuments tied to Alexander the Great.

Dimitrov, dubbed ‘the charmer’ within his party, was unable to find the exit door once he received Athens’ demands.
The Greek Government is fully aware their demands are unacceptable and absurd, however, want to make the most of it with the treasonous Macedonian Government in place.

Dimitrov on his end, just two days after coming back to Macedonia already started working to meet some of Athens demands.
According to the Foreign Minister, Macedonia doesn’t need monuments to feel Macedonian!

The current focus of western diplomats and Zaev’s government in Macedonia is to remove Gruevski from the leadership position at VMRO-DPMNE, to pave the way first for success at local elections and later for changing the name.


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