In the first heraldry of the grassland, and on the qualifications of Wimbledon, Lina Gjorcheska gave a good resistance to the first seed Aleksandra Krunic from Serbia.
Macedonian tennis player lost 2-0 in sets, 6-4 and 6-4. Trouble was the start of the two sets in which Lina began with a lost service. In the rest of the sets she got the services, but failed to take a break.
Our best tennis player lost in the game of doubles along with Polina Monova (Russia).
However, the Macedonian-Russian combination did not come to an end with the American pair Ashley Wainholt and Kaitlin Voriski who celebrated with 2-0 in sets after almost two hours play. The first set ended with 6-3, while the second set was settled in a tie-break with 8-6.
The statistics say that Ashley and Caitlin had a better percentage of utilization of break-even chances (6 / 17-35 percent versus 5 / 16-31 percent), winning 10 points more than the rivals (104/94), which can be deduced that they deservedly separated Winning this calculation.
For Lina, this was the first performance in the doubles qualification of the Grand Slam, while in a single with this performance in the British capital rounded up all four major tournaments.