USAid funds MakFax, 6th leftist portal funded by US Govt

Nothing says "from the American  people" like USAid.

Despite being investigated for spending millions of dollars of taxpayers money, USAid found good use for their remaining money (Trump has already made massive budget cuts. But not so fast, USAid still has money to burn thanks to Obama who aware there would be cuts, increased the funding to the tune of nearly $11m before he left office.

So the US Embassy through USAid found good way to spend their last financial injection, at another leftist anti Macedonian  'news portal' that gets zero readership.They have funded 6 just in the last three years, and another 10 since 2008 to 20012, all of which failed. Who is counting...

After Libertas, Plus-Info, A1On, NovaTV, TV24, TV Telma.... Makfax is the latest to join Jess Baily's losing team.

MINA finds, Makfax was essentially closing its door when the US Embassy stepped in to ensure anti Macedonian rhetoric is prolonged at more blogs and websites, not less.

Despite our efforts, we haven't been able to find out what sort of financial injection USAid provided to Makfax, however we verified their staff went from 2 full time and 1 part time, to 18 full time. Majority of the hires were from other failed portals and blogs, including at least three from the now defunct A1 TV.

For good measure, USAid ensured their logo is embedded on Makfax's website. First it was just the logo, and a week later added a note that the news provided on the website do not necessarily represent the views of the US Government, or in this case, of the US Embassy. Such stupidity! Yes, we are certain that Baily and the US Embassy have no say in the editorial policy of Makfax, they just pay the salaries of 18 people out of sheer goodness.

Last, but not least, lets not forget NovaTV who last year got created and funded by CIA's legal team, the NED and the Dutch Embassy. One would think they would be wise enough to hide this sort of information instead of making it available on their websites!

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