Stable rent prices are registered in the Skopje municipality of Centar - 294 Denars in Q3 in 2015 while in Q3 in 2016 the rent for square meter was 254 Denars.
The cadastre agency has also registered stable rents in the Skopje municipality of Aerodrom. A comparative analysis of Q3 in 2015 and Q3 in 2016 reveals that the price is almost identical, close to 175 Denars per square meter of residential estate, i.e. apartment.
A slight drop of apartment rents was recorded in the municipality of Kumanovo - by 20 Denars per square meter. Average price in Q3 in 2015 was 134 Denars being registered at 122 Denars in Q3 in 2016.
1,859 transactions estimated at 31,254,624 Denars were registered in Q3 in 2016 in the Registry of Prices and Rent. A total of 11,774 rents worth 208,573,202 Denars were recorded between Q2 in 2015 and Q3 in 2016.