Industrial Production in Macedonia on the Rise

Industrial output in Macedonia this July rose by 5.1 percent in comparison with the same period last year, the State Statistical Office said Tuesday in a press release.

The industrial production in the section mining and quarrying in July 2016, in comparison with July 2015, decreased by 5.5%, in the section manufacturing it increased by 6.1%, and in the section electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply it increased by 15.4%.

The increase in the section Manufacturing is mostly due to higher production in the divisions manufacture of beverages, tobacco products, textiles, basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, other non­metallic mineral products, electrical equipment, machinery, equipment, motor vehicles, trailers and semi­trailers.

The industrial production by main industrial groupings in July 2016, in comparison with the same period last year was higher in energy by 12.5%, capital goods by 34.5% and durable consumer goods by 57.3%, but lower in intermediate goods, except energy by 0.4% and non­durable consumer goods by 4.1%.

The industrial production output in January - July 2016, in comparison to the same period last year is higher for 5.6 percent.

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